Business psychologist, wingwave teaching trainer, DVNLP teaching trainer
For joy in learning, self-confidence in contacts, and courage and confidence in exams
Recordings are available
36 Speaker – 36 Talks – 6 Languages
The Congress for emotion coaching took place on 1 May. All presentations were be translated into English. With 36 speakers from six countries on professional personal coaching topics:
On 1 May 2021, Cora Besser-Siegmund, Lola A. Siegmund and Harry Siegmund - the founders of the well-researched wingwave method - hosted the first international congress for emotion coaching. The occasion was the 20th anniversary of wingwave - today there are already over 8000 wingwave coaches worldwide.
The speakers are experienced emotion coaches and trainers who have successfully coached thousands of people on various topics over the years - simply because they were able to achieve their goals through positive emotion management. The speakers explained wingwave coaching, showed examples and answered questions on the lecture topics.
Would you like to learn more about the inspiring short-term coaching wingwave and see the recordings of the congress? Here you can purchase your ticket. Admission costs €20 per person.
Would you like to learn more about wingwave? Then visit the method page or watch the wingwave explanatory video on youtube.
Business psychologist, wingwave teaching trainer, DVNLP teaching trainer
For joy in learning, self-confidence in contacts, and courage and confidence in exams
Licensed NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer, member of the Assisting Team for Richard Bandler (Co-Founder of NLP), wingwave-coach.
What is NLP - the connection to wingwave - how hypnosis fits into the picture
Self-employed at Lifetherapycoaching, wingwave-Coach
Involving the body and the felt sense by using cushions as ideal figures you might have needed in the past to create an embodied new alternative memory.
I show you a simple exercise that can be used working with clients online while they are in the comfort of their own home.
Owner of Forth Horizon, wingwave teaching trainer, freedom of anxiety expert
Diplom-Psychologin, Approbierte Psychotherapeutin, NLP-Lehrtrainerin (DVNLP), wingwave-Begründerin, wingwave-Lehrtrainerin
wingwave-Coaching kann dazu beitragen, dass auch diese Stunden des Tages mit einem Grundgefühl von positiver Lebensqualität verknüpf sind – mit spannenden Herausforderungen, interessanten Kontakten und ressourcevoller Selbstverwirklichung – auch in großen Organisationen
wingwave coaching can help to ensure that even these hours of the day are linked with a basic feeling of positive quality of life - with exciting challenges, interesting contacts and resourceful self-realization - even in large organizations.
Dipl.-Päd. Univ., Selbständige Trainerin, Coach, wingwave-Lehrtrainerin, Kommunikationstraining Simmerl GbR
Glaubenssatzarbeit und Magic Talk sowie Einweben
Belief set work and magic talk as well as weaving in
wingwave-Coach und wingwave-Lehrtrainerin
Selbstsabotagefallen - Stolpersteine auf dem Weg zum Erfolg
Self-sabotage traps - stumbling blocks on the way to success
wingwave Lehrtrainer, DVNLP Lehrtrainer, NLC-Lehrtrainer, Fachberater für psychosoziale Notfallversorgung (PSNV), Kohärenz Werkstatt
Was tun wenn die Normalität verrückt erscheint?
What to do when normality seems crazy?
wingwave-Lehrtrainer, Diplom-Psychologe, Sportwissenschaftler, Hochschuldozent, Mental Movement
Inhaberin Balance on Wings, wingwave Lehrtrainerin, Apothekerin
Negative Einflüsse der Ahnen auflösen und positive stärken - mit wingwave und der Ahnentafel.
Dissolve negative ancestral influences and strengthen positive ones - with wingwave and the ancestral chart.
wingwave-Coach und wingwave-Lehrtrainerin
wingwave für Unternehmerinnen - Geldblockaden lösen und Umsätze steigern
wingwave for female entrepreneurs - Release money blocks and increase turnover
Diplom-Psychologe, Approbierter Psychotherapeut, NLP-Lehrtrainer (DVNLP), wingwave-Begründer, wingwave-Lehrtrainer
Mit wingwave kann es gelingen, dass Menschen punktgenau im gewünschten Moment im Kontakt mit ihren Potenzialen sind.
With wingwave, people can be in touch with their potential at the exact moment they need it.
Heilpraktikerin (Psychotherapie), wingwave-Master Coach, Trainer- & Lehrtrainerin
„I Feel Good.“ In herausfordernden Lebenssituationen, maßvoll mit den schönen Dingen des Lebens umgehen können!
„I Feel Good.“ In challenging life situations, be moderate with the good things in life!
CTC-Academy Wien, MBA, Schlafexperte und Coach, wingwave Lehrtrainer
Gesunder, erholsamer Schlaf mit wingwave oder wie es auf einfache Weise gelingt, das Immunsystem zu stärken und die Leistungsfähigkeit zu erhöhen.
Healthy, restful sleep with wingwave or how to easily strengthen the immune system and increase performance.
Inhaber wingwave-Zentrum München, wingwave-Lehrtrainer, GNLC-Lehrtrainer
Drei Praxisbeispiele aus dem Coachingalltag mit wingwave
Three examples from everyday coaching with wingwave
wingwave-Coach, Deutscher Meister im Fallschirmspringen 2019
wingwave und Fallschirmspringen
wingwave and Skydiving
wingwave-Coach und -Lehrtrainer, Quattro-Coach, NLC-Lehrtrainer, Kommunikationstraining Simmerl GbR
Auf geht’s! – Mentaltraining wie im Hochleistungssport!
Let's go! - Mental training like in high performance sports!
Inhaberin der Tasma Life Balance, wingwave-Lehrtrainerin
Flugangstbewältigung mit der wingwave-Methode
Overcoming fear of flying with the wingwave method
wingwave-Lehrtrainerin, Expertin für wingwave-Coaching für Reiter
Emotionale Herausforderungen im Reitsport und die Besonderheiten beim wingwave-Coaching von Reitern
Emotional challenges in equestrian sports and special features of wingwave-Coaching for riders
Erfahrene Hundetrainerin, wingwave-Coach, DVNLP-Practitioner
Wessen Hund Schwierigkeiten macht, der weiß, wie anstrengend und auch peinlich das sein kann. Unterstützung finden Hundehalter auch mit der wingwave-Methode.
Whose dog causes trouble knows how exhausting and also embarrassing it can be. Dog owners can also find support with the wingwave method.
wingwave-Coach, Lehrerin
wingwave-Coaching in der Schule
wingwave-coaching at school
Lehrbeauftragter der TU Berlin, Business-Coach, Mediator,NLP-Lehrtrainer und –Lehrcoach des Deutschen Verbandes für NLP, DVNLP
Verstehen Sie Aufgabe und Funktion des Autonomen Nervensystems (besonders des ventralen Vagus nach Stephen Porges) und und damit auch die innere Befindlichkeit Ihres Coachees. Verbinden Sie mit gezielten Übungen die wingwave-Methodik mit dem Autonomen Nervensystem.
Understand the task and function of the autonomic nervous system (especially the ventral vagus according to Stephen Porges) and thus also the inner state of your coachee. Connect the wingwave methodology with the autonomic nervous system using targeted exercises.
wingwave coach et formateur de coachs wingwave
wingwave coaching dans le sport
wingwave in sports
Le coaching wingwave dans le sport loisirs et le sport : wingwave et équitation
wingwave-teaching trainer
Le Trac: monter sur scène, poser une ou plusieurs questions devant une ou plusieurs personnes, rencontrer une personne, oser dire non
Tackle performance anxiety: go on stage, ask one or more questions in front of one or more people, meet a person, dare to say no
Le Trac: monter sur scène, poser une ou plusieurs questions devant une ou plusieurs personnes, rencontrer une personne, oser dire non
Tackle performance anxiety: go on stage, ask one or more questions in front of one or more people, meet a person, dare to say no
Coach wingwave
wingwave, l'Intelligence émotionnelle & leadership
About Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and wingwave
coach wingwave, NLC trainer et formateur wingwave
Se voir, se reconnaitre et s’aimer pour être vu•e, reconnu•e et aimé•e
Seeing, recognizing and loving yourself to be seen, recognized and loved
генеральный директор ООО «Ассоциация Бизнес Мастерства», wingwave-тренер, сертифицированный коуч ЕСА, создатель wingwave-сообщества в России
General Director of Association of Business Prowess LLC, Wingwave trainer, certified ECA coach, creator of the Wingwave community in Russia.
директор макрорегиона Почта России, wingwave-коуч
Director of the branch Russian Post company, Wingwave coach, speaker, business coach.
директор колл-центра, wingwave-коуч
Director of the Call Center, Wingwave coach.
wingwave-коуч, сертифицированный коуч ICF, бизнес-тренер
Wingwave coach, ICF certified coach, business coach.
бизнес-тренер компании Фольксваген, wingwave-коуч
Volkswagen business coach, Wingwave coach.
Cofundador de Symbiotik Institut. Terapeuta sistémico y coach wingwave, formador del método wingwave acreditado por el Besser Siegmund Institut
wingwave para el fluir emocional en tus relaciones
wingwave for emotional flow in your relationships
Psicopedagoga especializada en pedagogía terapéutica, su trabajo se especializa en niños, adolescentes y famílias
Infancia sin estrés: desarrollo, aprendizaje y emociones a la luz del wingwave
Stress-free childhood: development, learning and emotions in the light of wingwave
Cofundadora de Symbiotik Institut. Coach y formadora de Programación Neurolingüística, formadora del método wingwave acreditada por el Besser-Siegmund Institut
Co-founder of Symbiotik Institut. Coach and trainer of Neurolinguistic Programming, trainer of the wingwave method accredited by the Besser-Siegmund Institut
Terapeuta transpersonal y humanista, coach y colaboradora del Programa SAT de Claudio Naranjo. Es formadora de coaches y terapeutas con el método wingwave
wingwave para la fuerza interior
wingwave for inner strength
wingwave teaching trainer
“Chi c’è dietro a ogni donna di successo?“ - wingwave Coaching per la donna impegnata.
“Who is behind a successful woman?“ - wingwave coaching for busy woman.
wingwave Coaching e analisi grafologica
wingwave coaching and handwriting analysis
Sport Mental Coaching con il wingwave
Sport Mental Coaching with wingwave
Coaching per le risorse con il wingwave
Resource Coaching with wingwave